The Wav Surfer Sound Site
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Click on the play button above to hear the featured sound clip.
Return soon for a new featured sound and image.

Download Wav Surfer 3.1 Freeware to quickly browse through your personal wav file collection, or to surf through a number of free downloadable image accompanying wav files from your favorite motion pictures.

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/ME/NT
16 bit or higher display settings (24 bit recommended)
VB5 Runtime Files (Not sure? Click here for more info)

Download Wav Surfer Freeware

To Install:
Extract all files to a temporary directory and run setup.exe. Follow the prompts until setup is complete.
It's suggested that you do not install Wav Surfer into the default directory of C:\Program Files\Wav Surfer Freeware. Instead, when prompted during setup, change the install folder to C:\Wav Surfer Freeware. This will provide easier access to your WAV files.

Freeware Compatible Multimedia Packets

Although Wav Surfer Freeware is capable of playing any WAV file on your hard drive, it is limited in the number of images it can display. Wav Surfer Unlimited allows you to play an unlimited number of downloadable and custom created sounds and images.

FREE CD-ROM with registration
Over 4200 compatible sounds and images.
Over 1200 additional sounds including over 400 sound effects.
Includes all sounds found on this site plus all previously listed sound files.
All RealAudio sounds on this site have been converted to .wav format.
CD-ROM Contents:
Caution Parents: Many available categories are known to contain graphic violence, nudity, and strong language, so please monitor your children when visiting the program links or viewing the free CD-ROM.

Click on the button below to purchase Wav Surfer Unlimited. Win 95 Users - Before placing your order, be sure your computer is capable of playing these sounds. If not click here.

Within 12 hours of purchase confirmation, you'll be contacted with information on where to download the program, and the free CD-ROM will be sent to the address provided on the Wav Surfer order form.

Wav Surfer Unlimited Users: Download the featured sound and image above to view in The Wav Surfer.
Create a "Austin Powers 2" folder on your hard drive, and save both files to this folder (For easiest access, create the folder in your Wav Surfer program directory). Save the files as fordin.jpg and fordin.wav. If you rename the files, be sure to give both files identical filenames.

All sounds and images retain their original copyright as owned by their respective movie or television
production companies. All files are for educational, research, criticism, or review for video purchase purposes.